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Monday 29 September 2014

Families who Lost Relatives in T.B Joshua’s Church Collapse Planning a to Sue Him


Well it seems the families who lost relatives in the T.B Joshua church collapse are not planning to let the matter rest. Two relatives of the deceased have informed the BBC they plan to sue T.B Joshua.
And they are not planning to go it alone, calling on other families to join them in their action against the church due to the circumstances leading to the collapse.
T.B Joshua has been telling anyone who would listen that the incident was caused by a hovering aircraft, and that it was an attempt on his life. I believe anyone who has even a peanut for a brain would recognise the explanation for the nonsense that it is and for T.B Joshua to attempt to take the public for granted as he has done he should expect consequences.
After all people died in the collapse, people with families, and this is what you come to tell them after the incident?
Thanduxolo Doro and Mpho Molebatsi are the two South African nationals planning the suit, and they told the BBC it’s not the collapse, so much as what happened after the collapse that is informing their action.
“It’s not that the building collapsed, rather what was done after the collapse” Mr Doro told the BBC
“We saw reports that emergency workers were denied access initially, access that could have saved lives. The actions of the church after the incident are very telling”
Not only was access denied to first responders, something the church has denied; emergency workers also discovered the foundation could not support the additional floors that were being added.
Going on from there, Mr Doro published an open letter in a South African newspaper, calling on other families to join him in his suit.
He says he realises that some families might feel squeamish about taking on a man of God, but he would go through because he owes it to his sister.
The other individual, Mr Molebatsi, also told the BBC he has contacted his lawyers and is also trying to rally other families.
The death count for the incident so far is in the range of 115 people.
I think the families should band together and take on this action. If nothing it might win them some compensation for the carelessness of the church that led to this incident. At best lead to some punitive damages against the church for willingly endangering public safety like that.
Maybe after this suit the next time there’s an incident T.B Joshua would come out with a better lie.


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