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Tuesday 30 September 2014

The US Manufactured Ebola? US Born Liberian Professor tells.


Since Ebola reared its ugly head and took West Africa by fear, there have been various conspiracy theories emerging in Liberia blaming it on the United States. It has now however been taken to a different level as a major Liberian newspaper published such claims made by a professor in the United States.
Huffington Post reports that the Daily Observer, a Liberian newspaper has published an article by a Liberian born professor, Cyril Broderick who is an associate professor in the Agric and Natural Resources Department of University of Delaware claiming that Ebola is a direct act of Bioterrorism which was planned and successfully executed by the United States.
He further claims that these experiments were carried out by America’s Department of Defense. The manufacture and dispersal of Ebola is supposed to control rapid population growth.
According to the report; The United States conspired with Canada, the UK and France to fund Ebola trials on Humans just a short while before it broke out as an epidemic.
The very disturbing and heavy remarks made on the article suggest a wide belief in what professor Broderick is purporting.
The claims go on to implicate the World Health Organization, Centres of Disease Control and Doctors without Borders as a part of this huge conspiracy. The question then is, why is the United States pumping so much resource and human capital into Ebola countries to help fight the epidemic if they indeed manufactured and dispersed it to cripple Africa? Broderick stood by his claims when Huffington post interviewed him concerning these claims.
The United States is worried that such theories will only serve to harm and endanger the lives of workers it sends to these areas as many have been attacked and even killed in the past for trying to help or bury Ebola patients.
Recently, Chris Everard also released a video saying the deadly EBOLA disease is a Bio-weapon used against Blacks in Africa so that DIAMONDS can be stolen and he does not just say this, he has some facts to back his theory.
Do you believe in these theories?


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